Guidepost at Home

Bring the Montessori approach into your home. Deliver continuity in your child's education for independence, wherever you are. Our at-home programs deliver a highly accessible online Montessori education that inspires offline learning for children ages 0 to 12.

Montessori from Home, or Anywhere

Guidepost at Home allows you to bring our exceptional educational approach — used in Guidepost schools across the world — into the comfort of your own home, brought to life in virtual classrooms and amplified by our proprietary learning platform.

Virtual School

  • For families looking for a structured, daily virtual program and curriculum directed by a certified Montessori Guide
  • Parent involvement is required for facilitation and varies by child age
  • Ideal for working parents with flexible schedules, grandparents or stay-at-home parents
  • We provide a regular shipment of high-quality Montessori learning materials to enable children to work with physical materials offline

Guidepost From Anywhere

  • For families looking for Montessori programming that can be completed on their own family schedule
  • An intentionally designed, self-paced Montessori curriculum that is accessible from wherever you are
  • Ideal for parents and children who want to be the guides in their own learning
  • Delivered through our proprietary learning platform that is individualized and flexible to fit your schedule

guidepost virtual school.

We offer an engaging online education for students Early Years ages 2-6 and Elementary Years ages 6-12 delivered by certified Montessori guides. Our virtual classrooms run Monday to Friday with daily activities and instruction planned for each day. Our programs are highly accessible and can be completed from any major time zone. We offer rolling admissions into our virtual classrooms, get started today!

"We have to help the child to act, will, and think for himself" - Maria Montessori

guidepost from anywhere.

The Guidepost from Anywhere program offers our online Guidepost curriculum and regular Parent Concierge support, to be directed by the parent on their own family schedule. This program is ideal for travelling or remote working parents looking for supplemental Montessori programming that can be completed on evenings, weekends, or on your own time.

Learn more about our online Guidepost curriculum, which is available for Early Years children 0 to 6 and Elementary ages 6 to 12.

A great education begins at home